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From $.10 Sq. Ft.
Flat Sheet Grain Pile Covers or Bunker Covers have no grommets or hem around the perimeter. Our Grain Pile Covers are produced with high quality 1.5" welds that are tested by our full time Quality Assurance team. Perfect for Grain, Sand or Salt piles.
From $.10 Sq. Ft.
STOCKPILE COVERS are produced with high quality 1.5" welds that are tested by one of our full time QA persons. We can manufacture large flat sheets up to 8000 lbs. Stockpile covers are manufactured from 16 mil white/silver or 12 mil white/black depending on your requirement. The stockpile covers are folded according to your needs to assure rapid deployment of the cover.
From $.12 Sq. Ft.
GRAIN PILE COVERS come in variety of sizes and styles from one piece flat sheets to multi-piece cone shaped covers. All Grain Pile Covers are folded and marked for easy on site installation.
From $2.99
Tarp repair tape is available in regular duty and heavy duty. The regular duty is very effective when the area is cleaned, warmed and the tape is attached without touching the adhesive. The heavy duty tarp repair tape will cling to your fingers as soon as you touch it. It has 20mils of adhesive so if the tarp fabric is clean and dry, it will stick. You cannot pull it off once it has been applied.
Only $.06 per ft.
High quality Black Max rope to secure your hay tarps to the hay stack. This tarp rope is a special formulated 1/4" co-polymer polypropylene black rope with a silver tracer. Black Max has a high resistance to UV sunlight deterioration. Available by the spool or by the foot. We assure you commercial grade products.
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Build Your Liner Now!Following some of these tips could extend the life and physical conditions of your product for a long time.
Read Tarp Repair TipsMeet our friendly staff at Inland Tarp & Liner and The Tarp Man's, (Glen Knopp, CEO / President) series of videos.
View Now!For years, world wide, grain farmers have recognized it makes no sense to spend thousands of dollars to produce piles of grain only to let it spoil. Consequently grain is typically stored in steel, concrete, or wooden bins and sent out by truck, rail and/or barge to key shipping locations. Sometimes the grain harvest is too large for the storage facility. Grain tarps provide an excellent temporary storage option.
The following information is provided as a way for you to compare the different methods available for outdoor grain storage. When indoor storage is full, outdoor storage is a convenient and inexpensive alternative. Medium to long-term grain storage is typically done in earthen, steel, concrete or wooden grain bins, rings or bunkers, often on asphalt surfaces. Hay bales also make suitable bunker walls if an inner liner is used to prevent grain from leaking through the gaps and a cable is used to hold the bales in place against the pressure of the grain pile.
Flat sheet bunker covers for concrete or wooden bunkers are typically stretched over the bunker wall and secured with lumber boards nailed or bolted to the bunker wall. This application is best suited for long-term grain storage where regular access to the grain is not required, such as national grain reserves.
Grain Pile Covers for steel sided bins or bunkers typically have sewn hems with D-rings or grommets around the outside edge. Optional 2" seatbelt webbing reinforced with 4 rows of stitching ensure a strong grain cover preimeter to secure your grain pile cover.
STOCKPILE COVERS are produced with high quality 1.5" welds that are tested by one of our full time QA persons. We can manufacture large flat sheets up to 8000 lbs. Stockpile covers are manufactured from 16 mil white/silver or 12 mil white/black depending on your requirement. The stockpile covers are folded according to your needs to assure rapid deployment of the cover.